
A Clearwater Christmas

by Tom McCoy Students of geography and steelhead fishing will instantly recognize the Lewis-Clark Valley of Washington as the intersection of several storied steelhead rivers, most notably the Snake, Clearwater and Grand Ronde. I have the great good fortune of having family that homesteaded in that area. Many of them,[...]

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I have an old Vector 8.5 foot, 5 weight fly rod, and I was looking for a new all around trout fly line, floating. Would you recommend a line that fits my rod best? Thank You, Ernie

Drew Miller: Hi Ernie, I’ve owned several Vector fly rods and still fish a couple to this day. It was a well designed rod with a fast action and smooth casting. The line I typically match to this rod is the Rio Gold in either the original texture or the new[...]

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Two Hands for Trout

By Mark Lance T&T Creative Pro Mark Lance took the DNA TroutSpey and DNA Switch 5 weights for an extended test drive this summer, and found that both rods have a place in the quiver for an angler fishing big trout water.  While working on a recent photo assignment for[...]

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Gonzalo Mendez asks: I’m a recent transplant to Portland area. I hear there are amazing winter steelhead in the coastal rivers; Trask, Wilson, Nahelem. Is a Skagit setup a good all around rig for my DNA Switch 1107 and DNA 1307?

Brian Chou: Hi Gonzalo, welcome to Portland! The food is incredible, and there’s plenty of fish year round to be had. You are correct in that the coast can produce some beautiful specimens (both wild and hatchery). That being said, your 1107 paired with 450 grain Airflo Skagit Switch or[...]

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Welcome to the new Thomas and Thomas website

At some point many of us have thought we might be able to tie a fly that would work a little better than the one we could buy off the shelf. Often it turns out to be true — with careful observation, and a little engineering mixed with a bit[...]

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