
I own a T&T 1307. Could you give me suggestions as to line weight for the Nextcast Zone, the Airflow Rage and any other new line on the market you really like. I swing flies for Steelhead on the Klickitat, Grande Ronde, Deschutes and the Clearwater.

Hi Gary!  I love questions like this as it speaks to the topic of “what’s good, will always be good”. It’s also nice to see that you are approaching this with the open mindset of finding a line to bring out another personality of your fabled 1307. For this rod,[...]

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I have come into a DNA 1409-5 and am very excited. I am wondering if you have any line suggestions? I live in the Pacific Northwest and target steelhead, but also want to go after tiger muskie that live in the lake where I reside.

Tom McCoy answers: Mike, congratulations on coming into one of the all-time great, iconic rods here in the PNW, a true legend. The first line that comes to mind is a 600 grain Rage from Airflo. It would allow you to use floating tips, modest weight sink tips or polyleaders[...]

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I live in upstate NY outside of Rochester and close to Sandy Creek and Oak Orchard. Need a reel for my Horizon HS 909 (9’ 9wt). Want to set up for the Lake Ontario Salmon, Steelhead and Large Browns. Thoughts on Reels? Thanks, Joe

Jako Lucas: Thanks for your question, Joe. There are a ton of competitive reels on the market at the moment and a lot of them are pretty good. My choice of reel is the Nautilus. I have been using them for a long time now and I am very happy[...]

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Robert Kenneth Dickerson writes: I have several T & T bamboo rods which I purchased in the late seventies and early eighties. One is a Paradigm 7ft, 4wt. I have a trip planned for the fall and need to purchase a new floating line.

Troy Jacques from the T&T bamboo department answers: First, let me say thanks for your support for T&T! Your Paradigm 704 is a sweet rod. Personally, I like the Scientific Anglers Mastery Trout series of lines, and for all-round fishing would choose the DT4. If you prefer a weight forward[...]

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T&T Advisor Rebekka Redd

Thomas & Thomas is excited to welcome Rebekka Redd to our advisory staff. Hailing from northern Ontario, Canada, Rebekka is an accomplished global fly angler, photographer, published writer, speaker and conservationist. Along with her work in fly fishing television, she has garnered a worldwide following through her photography and writing. Her[...]

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