Columbia Sportswear, a brand built and inspired by outdoor adventure is always putting their gear and employees to the test. Whether they’re climbing mountains in Yosemite, hitting some serious powder lines in the backcountry of New Zealand, or fly fishing for tarpon in Costa Rica they make gear that’s as tough as you are for the adventures you seek.
Columbia recently sent Mark Chase and Faith Briggs, its current Directors of Toughness to the Savan River on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Why? Because Columbia needed to test gear anglers like you and I would need if we found ourselves in a similar fishing situation. Their mission was to push the limits in search of big meat-eating trout and salmon. Jealous of Mark and Faith yet? Columbia needed ultra-high performance fly rods that would allow Faith and Mark to fish day in and day out without fatigue caused by casting. The rods needed to be accurate, responsive, light, and dependable. That’s where we came in.
Columbia was aware of the Thomas and Thomas reputation for producing expertly crafted rods with the latest technology. Just as Faith and Mark were counting on their Columbia gear, Columbia was counting on Thomas and Thomas to deliver a rod that would excel in the conditions its directors would face.
It was our pleasure to outfit Mark and Faith with our 6wt and 7wt Avantt series rods. We knew these would be perfect for every scenario they would encounter on the Savan.

If you're unfamiliar with our Avantt series, these are the quintessential rod for the new age fly angler. Built with our proprietary StratoTherm Resin technology these rods gave Faith and Mark the lightweight, accurate and responsive balance they needed to get the job done and done well.
See how Mark, Faith and the Avantt series held up after countless fish and the occasional bear.
CAUTION: This Video Will Give You A Serious Case Of Wanderlust
For more information regarding the Avantt series and the other members of the Thomas & Thomas rod family click here!
Directors of Toughness via @Columbia1938
📷: Cam Mcleod @_cammcleod_,Faith Briggs @faithevebee ,Mark Chase @markjameschase