Rob Kramarz

How many years have you been fishing?


How many years have you been fly fishing?


How many years have you been guiding?


Who introduced you to fly fishing?

I am self-taught.

Can you tell us a little about your home waters and the fish you pursue there?

I predominantly fish the Lower Keys and Key West for bonefish, permit and tarpon, with the occasional redfish and snook when water temps cool.

What's the height of the season for you? 

Prime time starts in March and slows down in August but I do guide year round.

What time of year is your personal favorite?

I enjoy the fall months, October thru February, and any other time I’m on the water.

What are your favorite travel destinations? What's on the bucket list?

I mostly travel to Mexico and the Bahamas, but a bucket list trip would be Patagonia.

What do you like most about Thomas and Thomas rods? 

What I like most is that they can be very forgiving for a novice angler yet also very precise for a seasoned caster.

Which T&T rods do you fish and why?

All my rods on the boat are the Sextant series. Having a hand in the design and taper of this series has allowed for the creation of a very unique rod that can handle finesse casts and also enough backbone for those extra windy days without the sacrifice of changing rods.

What's your current go-to fly?

My current favorite is the one that catches fish, but a spawning shrimp would be my #1 go-to.

Other than fly tackle, what piece of gear do you find indispensable?

Good sunglasses!!!!

My favorite thing about guiding is:

Watching a person walk away with more knowledge of our fisheries and hopefully a few tricks to casting.

From the angler’s point of view, what do you see as the main value of going on a guided trip?

Learning tactics on how to pursue our species.

What can new anglers expect to get out of a guided trip?

Lots of casting tips!

My favorite thing to teach a client/new angler is... 


What’s your ideal lunch when on the water? What do you actually pack?

I don’t eat lunch while fishing. It’s hard to fish and eat at the same time.

What fly fishing blogs/magazines do you read regularly?

Not many. I’m not really computer-savvy. But I will read Gink and Gasoline, Garden and Gun, Tail Flyfishing and Grays Sporting Journal.

The most important thing I've learned about fly fishing is...

Many walks of life pursue the calmness of fly fishing until Chaos ensues and it is then when the cream rises to the top.

When I'm not fishing you'll find me:

At the Square Grouper